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Product Highlights with Pam

Reclaim Your Time with Supio’s Demand Drafting

Reclaim Your Time with Supio’s Demand Drafting

I’m Pam Wickersham, Supio’s VP of Product, and I’m back with another segment of Product Highlights with Pam, where I walk you through various features to show exactly how Supio can help streamline your case management.

The topic du jour–Demand Drafting.

When it comes to incorporating AI technology into case managements, many personal injury attorneys voiced to us that they were hesitant about using AI to generate documents like demand letters.

PI attorneys were concerned about accuracy and reliability, loss of the human element and their voice, privacy concerns, and risk of reliability. However, Supio’s AI platform is specifically built to be accurate and tailored to each case with data privacy as a priority.

Drafting persuasive demand letters, in particular, can be time-consuming, especially when attorneys must tailor each one to reflect specific case details.

In this Loom, I demonstrate how Supio’s Demand Drafting can help create well-structured and compelling letters that incorporate legal facts, client medical history, and settlement demands, saving significant time without sacrificing quality. Attorneys can even use the chat function to update any section with more robust, more focused language.


Want to see how else Supio can help you reclaim your time on tedious tasks? Book a demo with us!

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